

The schedule shows the three principle phases of research

and corresponding six tasks.

Phases ] and 2 are planned to

occur within 18-month segments or 36 months total and Phase 3

is scheduled to occur within a 12-month period.
Research activities are synchronized with the time
schedule allotted for the cleanup of Enewetak Atoll.


is scheduled for resettlement in late 1980 and by that time
most tasks will have been completed.

A series of summary and technical reports are planned.
In addition to quarterly reports describing ongoing activities
and progress,

investigators plan to prepare and submit technical

reports following the completion of each research phase and a
final technical report containing descriptions of research tasks,

findings and interpretations.
The research plan involves interviewing samples of federal
agency representatives,

representatives of Marshall Island

communities and Marshallese communities.

In all cases investi-

gators will seek written informed consent from respondents and
key informants.

At the time of the interviews,


will explain the nature and purposes of the study, answer any

request the respondents’

voluntary cooperation and

obtain signed consent forms.
Investigators are sensitive to what is a persistent problem

in sociocultural field research:

recalling experiences that

have brought grief and hardships upon respondents may provoke a

Select target paragraph3