
the communication process prepared in Phase 2.

In addition,

assistance will be given in preparing communications,
ing crucial communication elements



credible sources,

and implementing the process in appropriate settings.
As previously indicated,

field test results will assist

DOE representatives and project investigators in determining
responses to various communications with Marshallese.
the early resettlement of Enewetak Atoll,


and possibly another

island in Bikini Atoll, behavior of the residents will need

to be monitored to fully determine the degree to which communications produce desired outcomes,


refraining from visit-

ing specific atolls or eating toxic foods.

Investigators can

prepare a monitoring procedure which could be accomplished
through direct observation of residents and interviews with
key informants.


Observations and interviews could focus on:

initial response of residents to communications including

formal and informal communications initiated by residents and
their respective representatives
and/or attorneys)

(e.g., Micronesian Congress

in response to federal representative communi-

cations concerning atoll health and safety;




adjustments to atoll life and relationships to expected behavioral
outcomes predicted by the communication process including possible
deviations or departures from behavior intended by the process.

Continued monitoring of the effectiveness of the communication process is essential in preventing confusion and misunderstanding of radiological topics.

Early identification of

communication difficulties can occur and alternate strategies
can be selected and put

into effect.


structure of

the process

Select target paragraph3