
to be a key variable in understanding the effects of communications on the Marshallese.

Investigators will identify criteria

used by Marshallese in attributing credibility to a media form,





Certain persons,

such as

federal representatives and representatives to the

Micronesian Congress may have varying levels of credibility.
Credibility can also vary with the subject under consideration.
Characteristics and methods of operation of the credible

sources will be obtained from direct observation and interviews.
Task 5.

Develop and field test

a communication process

Data collected from previous tasks will complement questions addressed under this task.

Basically, a communication

process will be developed and tested in appropriate situations.
Results of the field test will be useful in determining the
effectiveness of the prepared communication process.
Design of the communication process will involve three steps:

(1) determination of communication objectives;
of the audience;



(2) analysis

design of the program.

communication objectives are the desired effects

of communication efforts,

that is,

from the receiver or audience.

the desired behavior sought

Objectives will be prepared in

collaboration with key representatives of DOE and will focus

On radiological topics and their relationship with certain
Marshallese communities.

Determination of the objectives also

will be affected by knowledge obtained in Phase 1 and Task 1 of

Select target paragraph3