Dennis Olsen

Mr. Coleman, I am afvaid that I don't understand

what kind of arrangement is being made.

In your first

statement, you. said that you are restricted to
channel communications within the Department of

Peter T. Coleman

I am not restricted to that.

Department of Interior.

I work through the

I have found that by working

_through them that more lines of communications to the
rest of the agencies are available.
Dennis Olsen

Are you telling us in effect that all our correspondence
inquiries should be channeled through the Department of


T. Coleman

No, you don't have to, but we are available. You can
channel your communications, as I said, directly to the

agency representatives here. But Russell has suggested
that you can have some sort of coordinating office for
the solicitation of information.

We will be glad to do

that but that does not remove any independence that you might

have for seeking. informtion.
Dennis Olsen


j want to clarify this.

Let's say that in a one week

éperiod, there is something very pressing that we want
to know that only the AEC can answer. If we are to direct
that inquiry to you would you in turn directly contact

the AEC or would you go through normal] channel?

We would contact the AEC and also contact the Department
Dery Meu Gunsicam ef Interior to follow up. We would phone them and -ask,
"There was @ request two days ago concerning the such
Peter T. Coleman

rand such commission, how are we doing on it".

Dennis Olsen

The reason that I am pressing this, since I liked the

original tenor of Russell's question which was trying

to remove some of the departmental hurdles that normally
exist when there are so many people drawn from so many
different agencies. Such hurdles are involved in a
situation like this.
Peter T. Coleman

Me all may communicate directly with one another.

Roger Ry

Perhaps, I could just add, speaking for my own agency,
that if you write to us, you will get an answer. I thin’:
your suggestion was that Pete perhaps will be in a better
Position to find the proper place to get the answer that
ryou are looking for. :I think I could almost speak for

fil of the Federal agencies concerned.

If you do have

a question that we're able to answer, you will get the

yanswer directly no matter what channel you used.



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