a. The nature and seove of procrand and apeciTie tasks
on which .llitery assiatanca Ls contemplated by the Atoule “nergy

Tho many Sacilities and talento within tho three mili

tary airtel which are teohnically suitable anil whieh miveht a
mide available to renter unsistance desdrit by tha Cawrntasin.,

In addition to the information or lala desirct aubova, 1 bell-ve

4% would be helpful for the croun to dovelon the lacts concern’ we the

Laska currently bolage undertaken by the Military for tha atonte Prory,
Suantagton and the :roecedumms whith ara usec i: geeoiplishine then.
T surcest that the Joint proup subill an Interim report te our
rouncative orrvanizations ag soon ag practicable ahich would scutlhine

weir Madings, couacute smi Balke 7 late 8 voll ag their
projrcted courge for fubure action. 1 gurenat thot Colonel Rall,
amanond lvaadon, “ilitery biaigen ¢comsliten, sei ag cocrdinater and
Sea for the meetines antl tae countyLation vi the fetat ranorte

ae euy hes already met totermally and

chains tort oan interio rocort
wanceraly your,

Robert faParon
he irvsin

Honorable Gordon Dean

Chairman, Atonte Rnerey Jowdsad
150) Conetitwutlon Averne
waphinebon, De ve


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Select target paragraph3