
Participant (with Dr. Robert A. Conard, Brookhaven National

Laboyatory) in


Participant in the surveys of goiter in children in the Utah-Neve da Sallon

the surveys of the Marshallese natives exposed to radioiodines ffom
the first thermonuclear explosion.


(1954) area and in special studies performed on selected individials in

that population.

The background of experience provided by this contract has provided 4n

to participate, in a major way, in studies of these issues.


The study are analysis

that goes into dealing with these problems has in turn given a unique perspective =r
the experiments to be carried out in the laboratory. For example the work with the

Marshallese has contributed in several ways. First, it gave a first hand review at
the problem by seeing and examining the people. Second, it brought these people to s
which proved to be extremely valuable material. Being prepared to carry qut
the suger
with a special view toward the problem and doing it in conjunction with stidies to %e
done in the laboretory immediately afterward made the most of this unique fumam sitati
Thirdly, the question of the effect of radiation in the mother having a subseqment
effect on offspring was raised. Laboratory experiments in animals resultel.

As Chairman of the Steering Committee, the principal investigator has] dewoted mach

time to analyzing the data and summarizing the results of radioicdine therppy and tumor
formation from 19 centers participating in this large study. Although t ] Patients

studied in our laboratory represent a relatively small fraction of the tot

in this large study of over 38,000 patients, half of which were treated wk


data on many of our individual patients has proven to be the most comple oT owing yothe
opportunities furnished by this contract (See earlier part of this report}
It has been thought that such data could be the basis from which to devise and
test models that would reflect the true nature and the extent of the radiafion effex a
the thyroid in these patients.

In this way it might be possible, now _that]w have te -

long time results, to discover some explanations for the success of 1317 therapy in som

patients and the failure in others or for the overly destructive effect ojthe thyrend

of still others.

From data which we furnished him, Dr. A. Bertrand Brill $f Vemdertrit

University has carried out some preliminary analysis. He feels encouraged|about gain
meaningful interpretations on the kinetics. (See Proposal for Continuatiog of Work.)


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