To test the hypothesis that subtle radiation effects in thyroids can

identified, a collaborative study was set up with Dr. Robert Conard of Broo

National Laboratory.

A large collection of thyroid tissues known to have

to varying degrees of radiociodi-e radiation (including controls) was

unknowns to this writer in order

studies carried on under this com


~ test the experience gained from the


The sources of microscopic slides consisted of the following:1)Tissues

patients in the Marshallese group who were submitted to thyroidectomy and wip
to have been exposed to some reasonable amounts of radioicdine fallout. 2)

thyroid tissues obtained from children with nodular goiter in the Nevada-U
fallout was known to exist in 1954, but the extent of radiation to the

were known
A group of

area where

children in this area is very doubtfully significant. 3) Thyroid tissues
goiters removed from children in Safford, Arizona which served as a control

Stusy. 4)

Thyroids from survivors of the Japanese atomic bomb casualty pati

radiation exposure is said to have been mostly external, and where fallout
contain relatively little radioiodine. 5) A group of thyroids from patient:
thyroidectomy far nodular goiter in several areas of the United States and
could be determined had not received radiation exposure to the region of
marks of identification were removed from the slides, except for sequential

Multiple slides from the same individual were mixed in the collection. Al
microscopic slides were assembled from a rather large mmber of hospitals,


the techmiques

of preparation with hematoxylin and eosin and mounting wre essentially the Bame so that
no clue as to their source was recognizable.

Primary emphasis for identification of radiation effect was placed on the preseme
of the bizarre nuclear forms although, in a few instances where more extensipe destructim

was produced, other eviderces of radiation effect were evident. As has bee
out, studies carried on in this laboratory indicate that the bizarre nucle
increased amounts of chromatin represent cell division in which there has bek
up of DNA, but a failure to divide. A stimulus (such as that from mild i
ment to

thyroid function or a goitrogen) which will promte mitosis is inclined to bping out the
bizarre nuclear forms.

It appears from past work that the stimulus may be e

subtle, so subtle that mild degrees of hypothyroidism which are not readily letectable

‘nuclei enlarge, the normal nucleus reaches a limit at which it divides into

|The nucleus of the radiated cell sometimes contimes to enlarge and occasions
lirregular in contour. The recognition of these unusually large nuclei is
thd clue that
the thyroid has been subjected to radiation. _Thus if the radiation exposure fhas been

between ee enlarged muclei and the occasional nucleus that is significantly
‘larger than all of the others.

Select target paragraph3