It has been our rcutine procedure to sacrifice animals four hours after the in

of tritiated thymidine.

Pilot experiments had shown that the labeling

satisfactory in four hours.

was quite

At this interval of time occasional labeled bai:

Cells were found showing that division of the cell (with labeling in both)
taken place.

nuclei) hac

It was known that the availability of labeled thymidine aftih


into the circulaticn was very short, owing to the rapid disappearance by Peeradation

or uptake by nuclei in the process of DNA synthesis.

Since only those


which arm

in the stage of DNA duplication at the time the thymidine i: s available willl
these nuclei are identifiable.

be laelen

Several series of young, identical growing rats were injected with tphitiated
thymidine and sacrificed at 15, 30, and 45 minutes and 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, LO, 12, iw, =
20 and 2% hours. Three rats were sacrificed at each time interval. The
Incideme of
labeled nuclei was determined by counting the number of labeled nuclei infa larse Am

of high power fields in microscopic sections of uniform thickness.

Paired labeled

ceils among this large population of unlabeled cells were also recorded.
Within 30 minutes following the injection of tritiated thymidine,

cells were found to contain the tritium label.


There was a sequential

reacies of =

ride in te

incidence of these labeled miclei. This reached a plateau at about 10 holrs. In oce
to determine the duration of available tritiated thymidine in the circulation, the

animals were sacrificed by exsanguination,and the radioactivity in the plasma determi=
In order to find out how mich of the radioactivity had been reduced th tritiated

water in the plasma, samples were evaporated to dryness and counted.



in the solid fraction of the plasma was found to be only about 15% of the Jtota
radioactivity witnin 2 hours. A great deal of time was then devoted to t ying to

identify and quantitate by chromatography the tritium labeled organic metabolic produc
as well as the
remaining in the blood in order to better assess
availability of the thymidine after an hour or mcre. These attempts were Bbandore
because others had shown rapid disappearance of available material and
thej amounts hem

in these experiments were nct paramount to our objectives.

A continuing rise in the cccurrence of labeled meclei for as long as [0 hours in ~
face of rapid disappearance of tritiated thymidine from the circulation wab sound. Th
increasing number of labeled nuclei up to 10 hours was very clearly demonsfrate ia
two complete series of animal experiments. Pairs of labeled nuclei were f
with certainty at 4 hours, although sane very lightly labeled pairs of nuche? were
Suspected somewhat earlier. It was assumed that the lightly labeled pair @f muciei hac

been in the very late stage of DNA synthesis and therefore had an opportunity to <=ke


up very little of the thymidine before DNA synthesis terminated and actual|divisim of
the cell took place. The occurrence of labeled pairs increased with time dnd reacted
a plateau at about 10 hours. Since a thin microscopic section represents 4 thickess
tissue little wider than a cell, a pair of labeled miclei would be demonst§ated miy ithe cuts in the tissue happened to pass through both of the daughter mucleq.
It can be
assumed that random cutting would only reveal an occasional pair where the piain ct the
cut corresponded with the plain of the pair. It seems likely that the conqi
increase of labeled cells, well beyond the time when tritiated thymidine

was avail=le

in the circulation, can be explained on the contimued division of cells and

cuts that might catch one or the other or both of a pair.

Select target paragraph3