There was a relative increace in the amount of c:- culating 1317_jod4

e in

e in
roportion to other iodinated compounds shortly after the break in the c
tivity in
umerous instances. A coincident rise observed in the excretion of radi
he urine seemed to weflect a failure of retrapping of iodide by the gland.

It had been the policy to prepare butanol extracts of serum from whi
£ the quantitative chromatograms were made. Concentrating the icdinated
nhaneces the possibility of detecting more unusual substances that might
nly in minute quantities in whole serum. The butanol used for extractio
aturated with water so that iodide in addition to iodinated organic mole
ecovered. Other chromatograms were prepared on whole serum for purposes
he extractability of the radioactivity in the serum using this extractio
bserved to decline as the radiation effect took place in the thyroid. A
ime chromatograms from whole serum showed that the radioactivity represe
nsoluble fraction and remaining at the application point increased marke
epresented cicculating thyroglobulin. In som instances the extractabili

ormally is 85% to 95%, dropped as low as 65% to 70%.

Where this occurre

ubsequent clinical improvement was usually quite prompt and hypothyroidi
redictable outcome.
he Significance of Mono- and Diiodotyrosine in the Circulation Following
or Hyperthyroidism



es was
f comparison.
system was

the same
ing the



> which

was a

31y Therapy

Farran, Lea, Goolden and Abbatt had reported that the presence of m ho~ and

Jodggyrosine in the circulation in patients with thyrotoxicosis was an i hdication
therapy might fail. Their observations had been made on single
‘lood from 92patients. In contrast to their observations, when miltiple
n the form of serial quantitative chromatograms were available on appro
_ atients with thyrotoxicosis treated with 1311, the observations of the
‘ere not confirmed.
n the circulation ultimately displayed a more striking radiation effect.
atients the mono- and diiodotyrosine began to appear on the fourth or fi
ollowing the administration of 1811. This appearance was usually accam
adioactivity remaining at the application point when whole serum was
. prompt subsequent clinical improvement, and a high probability of subse
‘ypothyroidism. See attached Figure 7. It was concluded that the presencp

of L3lz

When found, it was usually in minor quantities in the circulation

‘comparison of Two or More Treatment Doses in the Same Individual
We have been on the look cut for patients who required further re

adioactive iodine so that it would be possible to compare all of the obs
iituations may exist in the patient who requires further treatment. Some
ittle clinical radiation effect; others may have had an effect which was fonsiderable


Select target paragraph3