nee ae



Tritium, 153-160, 263-287, 725
Tryptophan pyrrolase, 874
Tumor, 444-446, 644, 651, 659, 675-

692, 719, 971

brain, 298-299
eye, 494
hematopotetic, 85, 430-435, 511-

515, 563, 623, 655-657, 686-690,
694-702, 719, 725, 728, 733
kidney, 446
liver, 511-515

lung, $11-515
manamary, 434, 611-518
ovarian, 434, 511-515
skeletal, 446, 539-540, 548, 559-

Vasculature, blood, 159, 261, 298, 545,
325-356, 545, 841, 845-853, 874
Viston, 302, 308

Water, body, 920
consumption, 440-443, 445, 644
Weight, 369-370
birth, 57, 234, 238, 265, 284, 520,
590, 594, 614-615, 617, 714, 727,
body, 109, 177, 186, 274-275, 359-

360, , 363, 36 , 376, 376, 378, 378, 414, 41 , 426-432 ,
440-443, 450, 456-457, 464-468,
§19-520, 545, 566, 637, 644, 890
brow a 988

eee eee S71, 573-574, $78, 582-.

embryonic, 56, 158, 201, 252, 936

skin, 446
synovial, 85

ovarian, 460
placental, 158, 239

thyrold, 373, 446, 666-670, 675-680

vasculature, 654-657

thyroid, 369-370, 372

Tumorigenesis, 444, 447, 511-515,

Xanthine oxidase, 27, 30, 39

Tyrosinase, 931-932

Yolk sac, 26-29, 31-32, 35-38, 135,

563, 574, 584, 675-692, 720, 728,


Yttrium, 706

Uranium, 731
Urethan, 511-515
Uridine, 869, 1006, 1010

Uterus, 155, 946-947


Zinc, 9-23, 145-152, 207-216, 662

Zirconium, 217-226

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