and X-rayed stumps covered with normal epidermis indicates that in the
normal stumps nerve fibers grow into the epidermal wound epithelium

covering the distal end of the stump.'**'* There the nerve endings

make a synaptic junction with the epidermal cells.'’ In limbs witha




this intimacy of nerves and epidermis isa

prerequisite for regeneration, ” The nerves making this contact are

afferent nerves, In the event that all afferent nerves are removed and
the limb regenerates with an increased efferent supply,” the contact

between nerves and epidermisisnot necessary for limb regeneration, ****!

Presumably in this case contact between efferent nerves and other
tissues performs the function necessary for limb regeneration,
In X-rayed limbs after amputation, the nerves fail to enter the
epidermis and regeneration fails, When the X-rayed limb stump has
normal epidermis at its tip, nerves do enter the epidermis, and the
internal changes necessary for regeneration occur, A reciprocal experiment has been performed, If the limb nerve still attached centrally
is dissected from the limb, put to the side, and shielded during irradiation of the limb and then is replaced in the limb, such a nerve
will make contact with the irradiated epidermis, and Iimb regeneration will occur,”? If either the epidermis or the nerve is not irradiated,
it can make contact, and the trophic nerve function is performed, This
trophic function apparently permits the flow of morphogenetic information between cells, Without that flow after denervationor X-irradiation,

a limb does not begin to regenerate. Further research is necessary to
Jetermine whether in other cases where trophic function has been
decreased by irradiation it could be restored by normal grafts.


This study is supported by grant G-23866 from the National
Science Foundation and grant K3-HD-14,119 from the National Insti-

tutes of Health,

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