Figures 3 through 8 are detailed maps of the gamma background variations
on all significant land areas of the atoll except Eneu (Figure 2) and the
Dog-Easy-Fox-George Complex (Item 5) where these surveys are currently
being completed.
In all areas where elevated gamma background levels have
been detected, soil samples were collected for determination of specific
isotope concentration.

These samples are currently being analyzed.

As of August 7th the food sample collection program is essentially complete.
USPHS personnel have collected samples of all available plant foods on the
islands and University of Washington personnel have obtained samples of all
available animal foods on the land surfaces as well as selected samples of
sea foods in the lagoon.
Information obtained from these samples, about
radiation levels in foods, will be used for guidance to the Trust Territories
Officials, but will have no affect on clean-up certification procedures.

Select target paragraph3