~CONPIDENTEALc, The bomb fraction tracer will be 20 tons of
uranium (isotopic composition will remain classified.)
ad, The total yield as measured by fireball photography
(only the predicted range of yield will be announced in

advance of the test.)

e. Information derived from analyses of radioactive

cioud samples without the use of any classified


f. Fission yield as determined by radiochsmistry
at UCRL, Berkeley.
The participants will observe this

determination and may actually assist in carrying out
the analyses.

it is necessary to conceal the “Asotopic composition of the
depleted uranium tracer in order to conceal the type and amounts
of special nuclear material in the weapon; hence the isotopic
composition is classified Secret Restricted Data,
4, The Division of Military Application and the Office of
General Counsel concur in the recommendation of this paper,

5. The General Manager recommends that the Atomic Energy

Ba De herming that the declassification of the total
yield, the time and location, and the scheduled date
of shot PINON of Operation HARDTACK would not result

in serious derv.ze to the nation or be prejudicial to
the *ePousa 2oicerest of the nation;


Mo that the total fission yield of that

information that may be derived from
samples if
waGloactive cloud may he
Wit ut uwndie 2isk to the comeceTense snd



Select target paragraph3