sive evidence that therapeutic radiation can be carcinopenic
and leukemogenic comes from studies of patients irradiated for
ankylosing spondylitis, enlargement of the thymus, and pynecological disorders.

In like manner, epidemiologic studies have

shown that radiologists have an excess of leukemia when compared
to other physicians.

These epidemiologic studies document that radiation not only
causes various

forms of cancer but also causes cancer of a

(radiation) specific histologic type.

With regard to the benefits of cancer screening, early diagnosis
and early medical treatment, the National Cancer Institute
recently has reported major gains in survival.

In fact,


and breast cancer are among those sites of cancer showing the
greatest gains in survival following therapy.

In light of these facts and because cancer is the leading cause
of death among the Marshallese, the health care
plan for the Marshall Islands must include an intensive program
of cancer control.

This cancer control should include, as a

minimum, the following elements:

A Cancer Registry.

Current estimates of morbidity and

mortality in the Marshall Islands came primarily from

hospital discharge and clinic sick call data.


should be made to ensure complete reporting of all

Only by such a registry system can the full


Select target paragraph3