The following specific genetic screening techniques are

Establishment of a Birth Defects Registry.
The establishment of a birth defects registry is
necessary to document and systematically classify
all congenital abnormalities foreign to the Marshall
Cytogenetic Monitorine of Exposed Population.
Cytogenetic monitoring of exposed populations should
be performed as was done in studies of the atomic bomb
survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Japanese studies,

As in the

comparisons should be made with

chromosomal aberration frequencies and cancer incidences in order to identify hiaqgh risk groups.
Establishment of a Genetic Counselling Program.

Genetic counselling should be made available to all
the Marshallese, so that they can assist medical
scientists to better investigate radiation effects.
Analysis of Amniotic Fluid.
Amniotic fluid analysis should be performed in all

high risk pregnancies for the prenatal Getection of
radiation effects.
Chromosome Monitoring of Newborns.
Chromosomal monitoring of all newborns would allow
for the direct determination of the extent of increased

incidences of genetic abnormalities.

Select target paragraph3