UNITED STATES ce + ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, 0.C. hed 42756 MEMORANDUM FOR CHAIRMAN SEABORG ““&——~-@& COMMISSIONER JOHNSON COMMISSIONER NABRIT COMMISSIONER RAMEY COMMISSIONER TAPE a ~ Be 20545 anovctyCaVERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECENT INFORMATION ON THE STATUS OF THYROID DISEASE IN THE MARSHALLESE EXPOSED TO FALLOUT FROM THE BIKINI TEST OF MARCH 1, 1954 Since our last memorandum on this subject dated January 17, 1967, the complete annual medical survey of the people of Rongelap Isiand has been carried out by a team of physicians from the United States and the Trust Territory headed by Dr. Robert A. Conard of the Medical Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory. One new case with a thyroid nodule was discovered. This additional case was in a 1/-year old boy who had been away on an outlying atoll and, consequently, had not been examined for several years. At this time, in the group exposed at an age of less than ten years, 16 of a total of 19 children (84 percent) have developed thyroid pathology. Of these 16 children, two have displayed hypothyroidism. It appears that these two boys showing growth retardation have had a spurt in growth under treat- ment with thyroid hormone. The remaining 14 children have had thyroid nodules. treated surgically. Nine have been These nine chilaren plus two adults who have received surgery were all found to be in good condition with no further apparent thyroid abnormalities. Five children with thyroid nodules are receiving thyroid medication. The thyroid nodules in two of these chilaren snowed significant regression; of the other tnree, one is the new case, and the other two children are not felt to have received an adequate trial on this therapy. A cGecision regarding surgery has been Department of Energypostponed until intensive thyroid hormone medication can be tried. Histerian’s C'1:c2 Dr. Conard reports no other noteworthy medical findings and no unusual ARCHIVES ilinesses or diseases that could be related to radiation effects. US DOE ARCHIVES 326 US ATOMIC ENERGY dd,han prs: L. Dunh +EMESSHE CollectionfurmerGoma,Cxlet | , Box cHArruan GF Director Division of Biology and Medicine | STATUS VERIFTE BY Puhr?d ~ FolderOtmDweipéweeOFrHyiaeio CAWER OR arHen DIPATES INTHE EX POsko Grou , = 5 Aare LoS ~- _ NON-CCRP. =e