

ici rece:19 1 ere
-2- 1257, November 26, 8 p.m.
I should appreciate if Your Excellency would inform me whether

sum tendered herein is acceptable to your government and whether
above understanding of my government is also understanding of
your government.
In event such sum is acceptable, I have honor
to propose that this note and Your Excellency's reply accepting
tendered sum shall be considered confirmation of these mutual

understandings of our governments.

(End text)
B. Japanese cote: (Begin text)
I have honour refer Your Excellency’ s note of blank 1954 re compensation for Japanese claims arising out of nuclear tests in-

Marshall Islands, which reads as follows:

(copy US note)

I have honour inform Your Excellency that sum tendered is acceptable to Government Japan and receipt thereof hereby acknowledged.
I have further honour inform Your Excellency that above understanding of your government also understanding of my government end that
Your Excellency's note and this reply accepting tendered sum shall
be considered confirmation of these mutual understandings of our

(End text)


U. S.. Atomic Energy Commission
Office of International Affairs

NOV ou iL


218) 9)201312; 1) 2)3)4)516

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