-10however it represents the lack of communication that existed between the medical

survey group, DOE liaison and the ships' company.

The simple act of passing out

candy compromised the beginning of a highly important nutritional educational

Since there had been insufficient time to begin the comprehensive

educational program that was necessary to explain the reasons for withholding
"candy" from the group (the Marshallese did not understand why the medical group
was depriving them of their "sweets").

I was informed by our Marshallese nurse

that the people of the island were perplexed by the apparent lack of communication and different philosophies exhibited by the medical survey party and the
ship's company.

They perceived these differences most directly by the cannon

incident and by the dispute over the distribution of candy as gifts.


obvious division in goals and methods, I think, was detrimental to the credibility
of both the medical survey team and the Department of Energy in general.

I had

previously pointed out to the members of the medical team that our mission had
two major goals. The first was obviously the medical survey goals that we were
attempting to achieve, but equally important was our public relations stature.
I think a review of past performance of this program has revealed that the medical
care has been excellent but there have been major problems that have
the public relations area.

arisen in

I consider this a very important aspect of the

Marshall Islands medical survey.

During this survey that public relations effort

was compromised.”

Medical Team Problems:

Both Mr.

Brown and Mr. Otterman were aware of

my problems with the Resident Physician and my attempts to solve those problems.
On the last day at Utirik, I went ashore and spent 4 hours at sick call assisted
by Dr. John Iaman.

We delivered a large amount of drugs and medical equipment

and supplies to the Health Aide.




were still waiting.


When I left at noon, at least 20 patients

I seriously regretted leaving them but I had been informed

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