pee/ PASO REPOSITORY poelMV i LA 3h Ws — COLLECTION —— BOX No. TRIP REPORT AO? LOY “BNL Foe PEs ceLOER LY 1924 fnédj(At. pacgeAn- March 14, 1979 Mr. William Stanley Director, PASO/DOE P. 0. Box 29939 Honolulu, Hawaii 96820 Dear Mr. Stanley: Trip Report for the first 1979 medical survey of the Marshall Islands Purpose: The medical surveillance and primary care of patients ex- posed to the 1954 nuclear accident and to a comparable control group on Rongelap. In addition, sick call was held whenever possible on Majuro, Ebeye, Rongelap and Utirik. Schedule and Participants: Please see Table I Logistic Support: A number of serious problems were encountered in the services provided both by U.S. Oceanography and the DOE Coordinator. involved errors of omission and comission. as follows: The problems will be categorized 1) charter/contract deficiencies; safety/ship handling; These problems 2) maritime problems ~ ship 3) DOE/PASO liaison - administrative; 4) medical team problems. As an introduction to this very complex set of interacting problems, I think a few initial comments would be of assistance. On my way to the Marshall Islands on January 11, 1979, I stopped by the DOE/PASO office in Honolulu for a conference with Mr. Stanley and Mr. Harry Brown concerning the forthcoming survey. At that time the ship was in harbor in Honolulu and at no time during that long meeting was I informed of any changes in the basic operation pians as previously outlined in San Diego. JUS) 726 is. Even though at that time a number