


vit Feturn





of the move,

we were


if our islance wnen the need for it as a testing site

znisi and when resiiuel radioactivity no longer constituted a


=n li-i, and prior thereto, although we occasionally


purinasei importsi items, we primarily relied upon the resources
oP Sixini

Avril ang ivs lagoon for the satisfaction of all our

materiaio neeis.

We were also able to produce copra for export


To previce us with funds for those imported items we did purchase.
ALIADUZR Tar standard of living may have been low when measured

oY Une terms identified with "Western" or modern civilization,

“We cere in tne mein economically self-sufficient and not URED Y |

eent the land erea of 3ikini Atoll and encloses a lagoon of ae
ad wae

than cne-cu2erver the erea of the lagoon at Bikini Atoll.


live-susteining 2z220onmus calms and pandanus on Rongerik atoll‘vere ,.
7a gh

= arrivet, wtinsideratliy less productive than those on Bikind: Atoll,

lazten of Ringerix were
oP tne sre2ies cl

3Attll, we

markedly inferior toa those of Bikini.


lish we commonly ate at. BLkini proved to.-be-‘toxic

a3 2 result

cf the inadecuate food supplies at Rongerik |

“ere eventuslly reduced to a condition of near-starvation.

ly li-i,

the military governzent of the Trust Territory sent
gist to Rongevik Atoll to investigate the

giraicvion: thers.

He renorted correctly that we had been cutting

down tne young palm cvrees in order 72 eat the heart-of-palm- (the

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