-nZ UALS action pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal
teecure, on behalf of ourselves and all others

similariy situated,

including all living persons who were Presidents

TD Sfiini Atoll srior to the 1946 evacuation and all living

cr such cersons.*

The members of the class on behalf

22 Vnoim we Dring this action are so numerous as to make it impractical
to tring tnem all before the Court.

There are common questions of

2 Ta2t, and cur claims are typical of the claims of the

We will adequately and fairly protect the interests of


cefendants have acted,

and refused to act, on grounds

generally arciicadle to the entire class, thereby making appropriate

aeclearsatory and injunctive relief with respect to the class

2s 2



DeFendent Robert C.

Seamans, Jr., is Administrator of the

vnivei States Energy Zesearch and Development Administration (ERDA),
whien, as of January 19, 1975, assumed all functions of the United
Sozv2s Atomic Energy Commission relevant herein.

As Administrator of

Goon information and relief, he is a resident of Washington, D.C.

Defendant william J.

Stanley is Director of the Pacific

ery OFPice of the United States Energy Research and
Develioment Administretion.

As Director of the Pacific Area

tine members o27 our Bikini community were absent from Bikini

<tvLl 25 the time of the 1946 evacuation for reasons of employment,

tinizelization, or education.
ZT? te within vne class.

We consider them and their descendants

Select target paragraph3