Those on Attached List





R. E, Miller, Manager, NV
C. E. Williams, Deputy Manager, NV
III.0. Smith, Jr,,
Asst. Mgr. for Engr. &
Log., NV
R. Ray, Asst, Mgr. for Operations, NV
M. R. Cooper, Asst. Mgr. for Plans and
Budgets, NV
B. M. Menke, Asst. Mgr. for Admin., NV
R. H. Thalgott, Nuclear Operations
Control Officer, NY
D. W. Hendricks, Director, Radiological
Oper. Div., NV
R. W. Taft, Director, Plans Division, NV
U. B. Hills, Director, PASO, Honolulu, Ha
F. D. Cluff, Deputy Director for
Technical Support, NV
E. S. Chaput, Director, Budget Division, NV
F. W. Baldwin, Director, Finance
Division, NV
T. O. Fleming, Chief Counsel, NV
H. G. Vermilion, Acting Director, Office
of Info. Services, NV
W, E. Ogle, LASL, Los Alamos, NM
J. E. Carothers, LLL, Livermore, CA
R. R. Brownlee, LASL, Los Alamos, NM
J. H. Scott, SLA, Org. 9200, Albuq., NM
C. R. Mehl, SLA, Org. 5230, Albuq., NM
Maj. Gen, E, B. Giller, AGM/MA, USAEC, HQ
M. B. Biles, Dir., DOS, USAEC, HQ
Capt. W. W. Gay, DMA, USAEC, HQ
L. M. Groover, DNA, USAEC, HQ
E. W. Held, Laboratory of Radiation Ecology, Univ.
of Washington, Seattle, Washington
M. W. Carter, Director, EPA-WERL, Las Vegas, Nevada (3)


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