Higeh and low quarter shoes


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Heavy cotton socks
Tovels (bath and face)
Hat, sun helmet, or cap with long visor
Sun glasses

Light rain coat


Clothes hangers
Bathing suit
Khaki trousers and shirts f


Hmergency Contact.
In the event it is necessary that you be contacted, messages

addressed as follows will be forwsrded immediately:


Administrative Operations Branch
Division of Military Application
U.S. Atomic “nergy Commission

1901 Constitution Avenue, HN. W.
Washington, D. C,

STerling S000, extension 552

(3) Checks.
Personal checks cannot be cashed at Eniwetok Atoll, M. 1.;

however, the following, money instruments will be honored:


U.S, Treasury checks
U. S. Postal Money Orders

Travelers checks issued by:
American Express Company
National City Bank of New York
Bank of America
National Trust and Savings Association

Melion National Bank of Pittsburgh

(4) Charge of Service and Meals.
While at Eniwetok Atoll there will be a daily charge of $1.50.


Facilities Available at Eniwetok.
There will be a Post Exchance with standard items of stock,

movies, club, library, swimming and other recreational

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