BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. UPTON, L.I.. N.Y. TEL. Capt. Gordon Smith YAPHANK REFER 4-6262 -2- ‘May 25, 1961 Your help in this matter will be greatly appreciated, Sincerely, RAC sag Re Ae Conard, M. De Medical Research Center cc: Dr. C. L. Dunham, Dir., Div. of Biol. & Med. (AEC), Washington Mr. Wm.White, Asst. to High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Dr. H. £. Macdonald, Div. of Public Health, Trust Territory Dr. Le Ee Farr, Director, Medical Research Center Dr. S. H. Shippey, Texas Transport Co. Hospital, Kwajalein 1182105