
Project 13.1 - Measurement af Alphe ani Boost - HE, Grier
J, Malik


AYotal of eleven detectors were weed - two of Neher's photo miltiplier
detectors were used to cover the early part of the curve ami the reminder
of the data were obtained from nine af BGA0's standard photoes!) detectors.

The detectors used to measure the boost region were collimated te an angle
of cus in twenty at the detector to reduce tins emear from air scattering
and also viewed the scuree through s 1 7/8" Giameter hole in 8 2.5 ft, thiek
pareffin-conarete ghiald loosted in the tower onb; the shield prevented the
Gatectars from seeing sost of the ALR, and nearty esterials whieh aight have
ewnsed tine smear through meutron tims of flight before conversion 60 gamm

Table 13.l-] is a summary of the data obtained in the region prior te

the boost, ‘The indicator mmbering convention liste the detector mmber in
the tens position and the scope mmber in the units position (1 is EMO 3343,

2 is K=1)21, 3 is K-1,09),

The conversion from roentgens to neutrons wae

obtained through use of Watt's Progra § code (11-1981) considering al) neutrons
as equivalent and the cross sections for gama ray production by neutrons on






Select target paragraph3