


Preject 11.2 - Sampling - A. }. 7lank

P. F. Moore



Seven aircraft equipped for cloud sampling es described in the
Report were used on this mission: “A° f_ ight, Meer Wiite I (Fai); "BR" flight,
Tiger white Il (F-&&); "C* flight, Mger Miue I and I (2-F-4's); "D* Flight,

Tiger Yellow I and Il (2-¥-@i'e); and Cassidy D1 (B-57) the control aircraft.
The wind pattern was in general suitable for sampling, with winds blowing
from the Kast at velocities up to 17 mots at expected sampling altitudes but
with very Little change in direction or velocity, i.e., a favorable wind sheer.
Aa sere time approached, Cassidy I] observed a large cumlus cloed strocture

running up to about 32,000 feet aitting over ground sero, which could have ces-

pletely obscured the bamb cloud for sampling purposes. The 10 mimte delay in
shot time allowed a big hole in the cloud eystem to move over ground sere and the

bomb slowd went into this bole and remained visible throughout the sampling



The bamb cloud rose in an anvil headed column to about 32,000 feet (10,000

‘fest higher than the prediction) and spread out into the hole in the naturel
cloud structure.

The top of the bemb cloud penetrated into a selid overcast at

31,000 feet and the bettam of the bomb cloud emerged from the top ef ancther
overcast at 15,000 feet.


Big cumlus colimms were ranked about, joining the

undercest ant the oversast and forming a larged closed amphitheatre withia whieh
atreraft could fly and still easily see the bomb cleed standing in the middle.

Select target paragraph3