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Project 6.6 = Electromagnetic Attenuation Measurements - 7.D. Manscome

To make electromagnetic attenuation neasuremente as « function

of time at S-band (2160 MD) and X-band (9%400 MC).
Ruuipment uset at this shot consisted? of a tranemitter installed
at approximately $000' fram the tower on a line to the receiver in «
tower on Parry.

The receiver cutput was delayed 2 microseconds and

2isplayed om cecillosecpes having sweep speed of § micreseconis per
centimeter, 50 microseconds per centineter, 200 mierceeconds per cee-

timeter and on a Brush recorder (reec)ving time 10 milliseconis).
Sveeps vere triggered ty "blue box” signals.

One receiving antenna

was aimed at the shot tower to observe direct electromagnetic effect.
The receiver secope on this system was svept at 5 micrcescomis per oentinster.



- 2.


Select target paragraph3