EER econ)
Project 6.4 + Determination of Characteriatics of Airborne Flush Mounted
Antennas and Photo Tubes for Yield Determination at
Extended Ground~to-Air Ranges - A. J, Waters
On a ITS

Ts dwterzing the cofacttveness 2f Slush mounte2 alrlicne ancvennas
ani phototubes at warious grounieto-air ranges in detecting character-

istic low frequency electromag: tit raifation ani wiaible raiiation,
To letertine the temporal ani anplitute characteristics of the low
frequency electromagnetic radiation at warisus grount-to-atr ranges.

To determine the temporal and inverisity sharasteristics of visitle
radiation at warious ground-to-alr ranges.

To determine the effects of ambient contitions upon the satisfactory
Reasurement of the parameters specified in items 1 and 2 above.

2 fiducial antennas

1 scope camers

1 synchroniser

1 DuMont Scag.

(4ual beam?

Signal is received by snterns fed through an amplifier and then to
the scope,

The signal 4a then plotographad.

Airectly to the recorder.

Photohead output is let

The sequence camera photographs the blast

Adrectly for use in correlation 2f previous data,
imately 10 miles,

Distance was approz-


Pquipment was removed from plane an’ set up at Parry Island on

Select target paragraph3