natives returning to Bikini it is

imperative that a medical team keep all

of these people under surveillance.

Dr. Totter reported that pressures are now being generated to return

the natives to the Eniwetok Atoll which is in much worse condition than

Bikini was.
Surveys of the Atoll will be conducted by the Division of
Operational Safety.
lt was not clear that any action was required of the Committe c

aid no

recommendations were developed.

The Committee met with Dr. Victor Bond to discuss problems associated
with the Brookhaven Divisions for which he has responsibility.
Dr. Bond
pointed out that there were extreme difficulties in maintaining goed proprams particularly in the area of medicine.
In the mid-1960s the Medical
Department had a


statf ot 47 while






Dr. Bond felt that this approached the minimum size that would be viable.
He also argued that in the present climate of emphasis on relevance to
mission, excellent programs such as those described by Cotzias and Danl could
not be initiated.
He felt strongly that particularly in medicine the stat?
no longer had the freedom ta follow exciting new leads.
This, of course,
makes it difficult to recruit good people when such freedom is curtaited.
It also creates a serious morale problem.
In an etfort to improve the
funding situation they have tried to get increased outside support from
agencies such as

the NIH but

because otf

the cost sharing requirements,


is very difficult to establish research grants with such agencies.
Dr. Bend
was frankly pessimistic about whether the Division of Biology and Medicine's
medical programs could survive.

Moseley suygested


the Commission should

talk with

the people

in NIH to try to resolve the question of cost sharing with non-governnent
In effect the present rules prevent the NIN from putting money into
places already stafted with excellent people, fine cquipment, good space,
The Committee discussed this suggestion and agreed that the ACBM
should urge the AEC to try to get the legislation changed so that the cost
sharing requirement by national laboratories could be avoided.
Dr. Totter felt that the national laboratories were not always treated
fairly by the NIH panel system.
Since the panels are dominated by university
affiliated scientists, he felt there was a confusion of what the netional
science effort should be arising from a desire to help support universities
and education.
‘%r. Totter felt that the national science effort s-ould be
clearly distinguished from any effort to support education in the .niversities.
This led to a rather lengthy discussion of the problems of research
Dr. Stout took the strong position that if research is te survive
in the U.S. it will survive principally in the national laboratory enclaves.

Dr. Lincoln was particularly distressed that excellent medical prosrans such




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