(whe Special Committes af the National Secw Aty Comet

on Atomic Energy submitted to the President, on March 2, 1949, &
Report to the President ubich contained the following ¢



regarding the relationship among the United States, the “Undted
Kingdom am? Canada in the field of atomic energy which |would provide mximm security far the United States. The President


proved these conelusicus on Merch 31, 1949. Subsequently the |

President met with key pembers af Congress to discuss these con=

clusions, and representatives of State, Defense and | J testified

“~""—“pagarding the conclusions before the Joint Congressional Comit-

tee on Atomic Energy. “Eithough consiZerableakepticisa wad ex-

_ Pressed by varicus members of Congress in these mee


nep» 1% was

agreed that preliminary negotiations should be undertaken with the
view to ascertaining British end Camuiian reaction. ©
PSe negotiations disclosed that the British, particularly, rere |not prepared
to accept these conclusions, espeetally in view of the desire to
develop production facilities In the United Kingdom. About the
time that this situation developed, the revelation of Klaus Fuchs’
esplome activities occurred, and further negotiations | ou. these

conclusions were suspended indefinitely. ‘More recent aqtion on

this subject hes cecurred underthe amenduvent to the Atc mic Enerey

Act approved on October 30, 1951, and is reflected in the actions
of the National Security Council regarding the Cansdian bre refin-

ery and the exchange of informitien with the British shith are reproduced below. The question of the classification of ¢ prtain
atomic weapons data as it affects planningby the Suprem Head-~-

quarters, Allied Powers in Europe, fs currently being westigated
by the Atomic Energy Commission in consultation with the| Depart-

ment of Defense, and the findings will be reportedback to the
‘Special Committee for subsequent consideration. )

The United States should enter into negotiations wi

paited Kingion and Canada with a viewto achieving

the resulte set forth below.

Taking into accountthat (s) the United‘States des

secure an srrangenuent that is artually advantageous, and
United States has not discussed such an errangement with
United Ringdom and Canada and camnot, therefore, at this
appraise their reactions, the following cuteone of ne
would offer the greatest assurance of serving the common
and security from the United States point of view.




Select target paragraph3