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its energy


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221942, cortran attention waa given to the possibilty of utilising the high temperatures expsated in the fission bomb ("4~bonb*}

_to *ignite® heavy hydrogen isetepes. ‘During the years phich folexplared extensively

esearily limited by the deusads af the s-bomb project. |The proeent H-bomb project {fs a 'centimmtion ani an expansion of the work ©
done in the past, aiming at a demenstration that it is pr is not

feasible, and at preparation for productionshould that| later be

my be possiile to attainouchconditionsWywe ef6
fer gn W-bosb.

heavy hydrogen isotopes, deuteriim and tritiom, in rapid funion re- .
actions, is well known. Some of the basimeasurenents[c \ these
reactions were made more than fifteen years ago. .The
of {ritiua in quantity requires seutrens in quantity. _ nis require-

ment competes for avallabis neutrens with the fissic

e mtericl

production requirenents. The deuterium, however, can be extracted
with sou effort from naturel sguross. oo
erous references to the great energy released from an H-bormb. It
has been stated that it might be = thousand tines greater than
that of a fission bomb. The *eritica) size” effects wbip h primarily limit the energy release from A-boubsdo not ap ply to
H-bomba, There are of couse practical Matta to the «nergy release achievable or desirable in en E-bamb.


blast effect would be increased many times over that of an A-bomb.
It might be possible, far instance, to constructan B-bosb whoas

blast damge in a circle of ten uiles radius would be cor


Select target paragraph3