Figure 3.


Bikini Island.
Approximate locations of
survey transects are indicated.
circles are locations of field spectrometric
MEASULEMENCS., 2... ccc ee ee ee eee eee ee ee 16a

Figures 4 and 5.
Exposure rate profiles of 0 and l
Points are scintillation
detector measurements, small x's geiger
counter measurements,

and stars


Spectrometer locations. ......... eee eee eee eees 18a

Figure 6.


Figure 7.

Nam Island... ...... ccc cc coecccaercrcoeeessesceee 36a


Ge(Li) spectrum of soil sample taken from
Bikini Island, Pit 6, O Transect,

Island... . ec cc cc eww ce ee ee eee eee eee rene 29a

Location 5b... ceca eco e seo errr scecces arr 60

Figure 8b.

Ge(Li) spectrum of soil sample taken from
Bikini Island, Pit 6, O Transect,
Location SL. ew ce eee ee eee teens 61

Figure 8c.

Ge(Li) spectrum of soil sample taken from
Bikini Island, Pit 6, O Transect,
LOCACION 5... e cee ecw eee ee errr rere ser ne escnn 62

Figure 8d.

Figure 9a.

Ge(Li) spectrum of soil sample taken from
Bikini Island, Pit 6, O Transect,
Location 5....... vee ec cc weer cose ere eet eee eees 63

spectrum of soil sample taken from
Island... .. ccc ee cc eee ee ee ec eee eee 64

Figure 9b.


spectrum of soil sample taken from

Figure 9c.


spectrum of soil sample taken from

Enidrik Island... ... eee cc eee ee eee eee eee tee 65

Enidrik Island... .... ccc cee cre cee rete e nee 66

Select target paragraph3