newly designated as Pacific Marthwest Laboratory. The ARC then decided ty build the Fast Flux
Test Facility (EPTFE), to test fuels and materials which would be used in breeder reactors, at

Hanford, Construction ofthe FETE began in 1970 and took twelve years to complete. The AEC

aise loceted other projects there, such as the Hanford Containment Systems Experiment, desuened
ie investigate aspects ofthe safety of ight warer reactors.
in 1875 the AEC was abolished and the Richland Operations ifice became 4 part of the Energy
Research and Development Adminstration (ERDA) Linder BRDA the operations office
employed 303 personnel in aversee 2272 contractor eraplavees engagesl in phuomum production

activities, The anmual budget for this came to about S71 million. In 1077, however, ERIDA was

sholished and the Richiend Operations Office became a part ofthe Department of Energy.

in 1987, several months after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor secident, the New Production

Reactor was shut dows. The reactor was simular in design to the Chernobyl reactor and safety
concems led to the shutdown. Afterward, most of the site’s resources were devoted to managing
the environmental legacy left by decades of phuteraum production. The Richland Goerations
Oiice's job was transformed from oversecing plutonium production to managing environmental
clear-up and waste products. In also oversees the reasearch, develonment, and commerciahzstion
of technologies for waste management, clean-up, and environmental restoration. The potential
health consequences ssaccisted with the operation of the complies wes a serious concern among

many who live, or have ved, near the site. As a result, Hanford is currently involved in several

health related studies and the operations office manages DOE's mvolvement with these activities.
Richland Operations Office Inactive Records: The operations office retains custody of
records created as long age az thie World War Lo Manhattan Project. This means that i has
custody of federal reaards fom a mumber of operations offices organizations which fimetioned

under theMEDAECERDA or DOE. Due to the ABC Hanford diversificstion program, if alge

hes custesdy of records from severai different contractor organizations, among them DuPont,
Sseneral Electric, and the Hanford Exvircamental Health Poundanon.

The operations office generally controls inactive recordson the records bom level. Thus, most
finding aidis to Richlend Operations Office records consist of mventories of the contents of
mdividuel boxes of records. The uventories sonear on Records Transfer Request forms which
hat the organization which created an imdpvidual box of records. The forms, however, do not
indicate whether the boxes were parts of larger groups of records retired at the same lume.
Originally many afthe records ghowt site activities were classified. The Richland Operanans
(Mice has now declassified many ofts cider documents in response to Litigation and to meet
other needs. it has placed many of these documents in ie gublic reading room, thus much of the
contents ofthe boxes listed on the attached Records TranslerRequest forms may be available m
the Richland public reading room. As soon as the documents are available, they will be Linked to
the Hanford Home Page at hite.//oww. hanford gov/doeresdingim.

Select target paragraph3