
contaminated aerosols.
Preliminary dose assessments have been verified now
by aerosol measurement methods and at different locations. There remain several
unexplained and untested results.
Itjs not yet clear why the.aerosol dust
concentration is apparently uniform for different surface cover and wind conditions (e.g., coconut grove versus bare field).
It is also not known why the
p~~tonium enhancement factor is less than unity in the normal case, while at
the same time, the aerosol plutonium activity and the aerosol mass size distributions are not significantly different.
Long-term monitoring on these
remote atolls is not yet very. practical, but, some attempts will ‘be made in the
near future to monitor meteorological and aerosol levels by the use of satellite
telemetry from remote data acquisition systems.


The field studies related to this research would not have been possible
without the electronic engineering assistance of Cleo O. Fry and Gale Holladay,
and the field support by members of the Marshall Islands Do’se Assessment Team,
William A: Phillips, Marshall L. Stuart, and Stanley E. Thompson.
analysis was performed in the field
by John A. Kirby with the assistance
William H. Burke.






Select target paragraph3