Hal Hollister



While DOE's predictive capability for assessing radiation doses
is thought to be adequate, and radiological survey findings
are confirming these predictions, there is not a comparable
capability to predict the Bikinians actions and reactions,
and the extent of their comprehension of efforts to limit
and control their radiation exposures is largely unknown.


It is, therefore, DOE's view, that at this time it is impractical
to limit radiation exposures of Bikini Island residents so that
current radiation standards can be met or ddvs for all individuals
limited within a factor of two or three of the standards.
Therefore, Bikini Island should not be used as a residence island.
Foods, including coconuts, grown on Bikini Island should be con-

demned for any use if Federal radiation standards are to be met.



Products of the coconut trees on Bikini Island should not be used

for any purpose.


Can Eneu Island at Bikini Atoll be used as a village island?
Answer: The most recent predictions of radiation doses for residents
of Eneu Island indicate that both annual and 30-year radiation protection guidelines would be met for individuals who are exposed to
external radiation on that island and who use foods grown on that
island plus fish from the lagoon. Foods grown on Bikini Island must
not be used.
The prediction of the external radiation portion of
total whole body dose for Eneu residents is well supported by extensive measurements made in 1975. Since a number of food items
common to the diet such as pandanus, breadfruit, and garden crops were
either not present or present only recently on Eneu for collection

and analysis, current internal dose predictions are based upon best
estimates of the radioactivity that will be found when these foods

are grown on Eneu Island.
Thus, the prediction of doses for radioactivity taken into the body is less certain than external doses and

will continue to be so until such foods are grown in Eneu and collected


for analysis.
This is being done. A team of scientists is working
this month to collect samples of crops from a garden on Eneu. MYhe most
recent samples analyzed from Eneu are coconuts from 16 trees. The reported concentrations of cesium-137 are higher than predicted and higher
than the average value used in the most recent dose assessments. Analysis
of additional samples should provide the necessary data for internal
radiation doses to be predicted with confidence. Preliminary results
should be available in about 2 months.

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Mécraw, Acting Chief

Surveillance Projects Branch


Select target paragraph3