401473 -. BROOKHAVEN. NATIONAL LABORATORY C A| c ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. : Upton, New York 11973 ee . “e P ate — ot °: toate 8 TR OUR So be a Cee oat 1 COMBI. Cette no. . ok SOPa 4 (516) 345- 4207 Safety & Environmental Protection Division July 13, 1978 96960 oe a: Dear Dr. Riklon: mL Tey ua Dr. Ezra Riklon Dicector, Health Services Majuro, Marshall Islands, TTPIL ee 23 et, . on bes BOE Seen 7 ee PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMO VED I have been referred to you by Drs. Conard and Pratt at Brookhaven. We are requesting your assistance to arrange for the coliection of about 10 large a TB ae Ruan The Ae EE excretion of plutonium and other radionuclides in the Marshallese people. Se eS: a volume urine samples which will be used to establish control levels for the subjects should be metabolically stable, and should never have lived at Bikini, Rongelap or Utirik. (Relatively short visits such as the Brookhaven Medical Field Trips should not interfere with our objectives in this study). Dr. Conard has suggested the following individuals from your staff as potential participants in this study; but you should feel free to substitute others, or to select a few additional participants as you see fit. The suggested participants are: Drs. . 3 > , 'y also requesting that — and a oD ee ee and her assistant public health nurse. We are. coordinate the urine collection program. The samples should be 24 hour urines collected from each individual for 14 successive days. It is very important that the samples be unadulterated with water or other foreign substances, and that each sample consist of urine from the selected participant only (i.e., pooled samples with contributions from family members or others will detract from the value of this study). We propose to pay each participant $25 upon receipt of a satisfactory sample, and $100 to Mr. _ for his services as coordinator. Please let me know if this program meets with your approval, and if the suggested terms. are agreeable with the participants. If so, we will ship collection containers and instructions for each participant to Majuro, and we will arrange for the return shipment of the samples to Brookhaven. Your assistance is sincerely appreciated. Yours truly, aaboh N. A. Greenhouse, Project Director “2. » sls/cc: W. Burr R. Conard T. McCraw H. Pratt SO108 1b - a BNL Radiological Safety Program = . " 2.4 es