

are restricted to surface events for reasons of safety;
Christmas lies only about 200 nautical miles to the southeast and would be of great concern in executing such events.
Consequently, when tendered an invitation by the GEIDA we
accepted it.
The plan was to leave Honolulu at 0800 9 August
on an Air Micronesia charter flight, stopping at Hilo to
refuel, arriving at Christmas Island about noon; the charter
would return to Christmas on 16 August to bring the party
back to Honolulu.
We were scheduled for a briefing on 8 August
which turned out to be a discussion over coffee at the Ala
Moana Hotel.
We were to be guests of GEIDA with transportation
and all amenities furnished at no charge.
The aircraft to
Christmas Island carried a large freezer, assorted freight,
and 17 passengers.
The passengers were:
Manager and Deputy
Manager of GEIDA, a Scot sea captain who served as head of
fisheries for the government, Treasurer of the Gilbert and
Ellice Island government, Dr. Cattell from Environmental
Consultants, Inc. and 3 assistants, a captain from Capital

2 engineers from the UK,

a family of 3 Gilbertese,

and the 3 of us.
We were met by over 100 natives, processed
through immigration and customs (they ran out of forms so
the latter was nil),
and after some delay and confusion
taken to the residence of the head of fisheries.
Some of
the others were quartered with the manager of the plantation
and the remainder at a guest house.
These houses were 3
bedrooms, bath, kitchen, and living room; we were considered
house guests.
The houses were on either side of the District
Commissioner's house on the west shore of the south end of
the peninsula on which is located the village of London.
(The Commissioner's house is the best on the

island -

a two-

story structure well designed to take advantage of the winds
and very luxuriously furnished by comparison. )
We found many
lections of 1962.
island with nearly
2-year contracts.

changes on the island from our recolThere are now three villages on the
800 people in residence on renewable
The District Commissioner and family

are Ellice Islanders;


is one Fijian

2 or 3 Europeans,

and the rest are Gilbertese.
London and Poland have been
rebuilt with frame construction replacing the previous
picturesque native materials.
The new village is Banana
Wells, which is between Main Camp and the Cassidy airstrip.
The houses, as are all buildings on the island, are prefab
construction using 8 x 8 ft. panels which can be solid or
have windows or doors; roofs are made with standard wood

tresses using sheet aluminum for roofing.
Combinations of
the panels provide varied house designs including those of
the house in which we were staying.
Administrative buildings
also used this construction material.
The concept was laid
out by the Royal Engineers.

Select target paragraph3