
-6We have reason to believe from our present survey that the radioactivity
in foods grown on Rongelap is not substantially different from that in the
U. S. I have eaten and enjoyed the food on Rongelap, and I would not
hesitate to eat it again.
I feel that there is no need to worry about
its safety.
We are taking coconut crab samples from the southern islands back
with us for analysis in the laboratory; and we are hoping that the radioactivity will be low enough so that no restrictions will be needed. We
do expect that the crabs from the northern islands will continue to be


"We request that the B. N. L. team send food to Rongelap
with Dr. Knudsen when he comes on his quarterly trips."

Dr. Knudsen answered this question. He was willing to bring certain
supplies of food to the Rongelap people on our LCU provided the payment

of such food could be handled by the Marshallese directly with the coop.
company at Ebeye.


“What new findings have you made on this April '74 survey,
with the whole-body-counter,
the other examinations?"

the diabetes experiment, and

The special examinations that have been carried out on the Rongelap

people will have to be analyzed later.

The blood specimens that we

have taken in studying diabetes, a blood sugar disease, in the Marshallese
people, will have to be taken back to Brookhaven for analysis.



this we will give the data on this disease to the Health Services of .ae

Trust Territory so that they will be in a better position to treat you.
The whole-body counting that we have been doing shows a very low level of
activity in the pecsle and these results also need to be further analyzed
before any statemen.s can be made.
In general we found that the people
‘were in good health and sanitation conditions on the Island were generally

improved. We found no thyroid troubles on Rongelap Island that need to be
treated at this time with surgery. We did find on Ebeye two exposed Ronge-

lappeople that will be taken back to Brookhaven and the United States for
possible surgery.
In addition there was one unexposed woman whom we feel
should have a thyroid operation, and we will see if she is willing to be

taken back,

There were 4 Rongelap people on this Island “> needed treat-

ment at the Majuro Hospital, and we will take them back
LCU to Bikini and by plane on down to Majuro.

That is all of the questions.


us on the

I would like to say that we are doing

everything we can to improve the examinations.

We now have our own LCU

which has been equipped to take care of the medical team.

In this regard

I have heard rumors that the people felt that we were living on the ship

because we were disappointed about their using some of our fuel while we

were away.

This is not true.

Our sleeping quarters now leak badly when

it rains and we have our own sleeping facilities on the LCU. We hope to
have-a medical trailer which will be fully equipped as a doctor's office
placed on this trailer in the near future.
Having our own LCU will allow

us to visit the islands at quarterly intervals on a regular basis and will


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