(wet), which is higher than dark muscle by a factor of sbout
1.5 and than light muscle by a factor of about 2.

A flying

fish taken from the stomach of one of the skipjack had about
the same level of activity in muscle tissue as did the skip jack.

Reef fish taken from the eastern shore of Guam had about the.
game levels of activity as did the skipjack taken approximately

350 miles to the southeast.

A single flying fish taken approxi-

mately 60 miles northwest of Eniwetok had about 40 times as
much activity in the liver, as did the skipjack and Guam reef
fish,and about 3 times as much activity in the muscle.
The activity in fish tissues from Quam was greater than


that found in fish from the same area in 1955 * by a factor

of 1.3 for liver and 6.9 for miscle, an indication there had
been some additional radioactive contamination since the time
of Operation Troll.

The levels are low even though they are

several times those found in fish from Puget Sound in 19554
No radiochemical analyses were made because the activity

levels were too low for accurate determinations.

It is clear

from previous analyses of fish from contaminated areas in the

Pacific that it is not likely strontiunm-90 would contribute
any of the activity, and at most two pergent of the total B-

A diagram of the


spectrum of the flying fish liver ts

shown in Pigure 11, page 40; the presence of cel tt py? yy ’ gr”?

Nb°~, co, 60°? and n°? 45 indicated.


Select target paragraph3