by using a 100/110-ml cassia volumetric flask instead of a4 graduated cylinder.

All samples except fish were processed aboard

ship immediately after being collected.

Fish were frozen aboard

ship, dissected and dried at the Eniwetok Marine Biological Laboratory, and ashed and counted at the University of Washington.
The water supply for the probe tank for continuous monitoring,

instead of being taken from the fire mains as on the Walton,

was supplied by 4 Marlow Centrifugal Pump, Model No. 12, HEL-9,
operated at its full capacity of 50 gallons per minute.


pumrs of lesser capacity which had been furnished with the tank
were tried but were


used for intake and discharge.
and hull of the

One and one-half-inch pipe was

The pipe was welded to the deck

ship and the free end of the intake pipe was

held against the force of the water by a chsin leading to 4
stanchion on deck.

Even with these precautions and generally

good sailing conditions, the pipe broke on the last day of the

All counting, with the exception of fish samples, was done
aboard ship within a few hours after the time of collection.

Counting Equipment.

Samples were prepared on 14-inch stain-

less steel plates and counted with 2-inch Anton tubes in a 3-inoh
lead Anton pig with Nuclear-Chicago Model 181 scalers.


ground varied from 17.3 to 37.1 c/min.
Correction Factors.

The same correction factors were used

as for the Walton data, the details of which are given in UWFL-46.


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