
The success of the oceanographic surveys is attributable
to the support and cooperation of many organizations and indi-


This cooperation was especially evident in both the

Walton and Marsh surveys during and following Operation Redwing.
The Division of Biology and Medicine, of the UJ. 8. Atomic
Energy Commission, particularly Dr. W. R. Boss, helped greatly
in the planning and coordination of the progran.
Units of Joint Task Force Seven, especially Task Group 7.3

(Navy), were partioularly helpful.
The Atomic Energy Commission Resident Engineer, Mr. Thomas

Rard:ison, and members of hia staff provided invaluable support
during and following the surveys.
The Navy can well be proud of the work of Commander Wilfred
G. Chartier, Captain of the USS Marsh, and of the officers and

’ @orew who made possible the radiobiological-oceanographical survey from 4a ship not designed for such work.


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