Ae e BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES. INc. UPTON, L.I.. N.Y. TEL. YAPHANK BEST COP‘ AVAILABLE Ms. REFER: Auguat 20, 1959 REPOSITORYWASH inkston Noan2 AL es Maynard Neas masticMetaee coLtection Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands BOX N Dear Ma FOLDER Majaro, Marshall I elands ' ile * 1 i °- Nia I am writing this letter to you, Dr. Macdensld and Br. Mcking. As 8 result of recent meetings in New York end Wghingten with Nr. Mucker, I would like te summarise some of the diecussions of the various aspects of the situation on Rongelap as related te cur medical surveys. In the first piace, I teld Nr. Nucker I certainly syapathise with you om the problems ef rehabilitation of the Rengelapese and eppreciate your feelings abeut limitation and curtailuent ef survey groups going to Rongelap at the present time. Nr. Nucker indiented that if we could held eff the next regular snnval aedical survey, following this we could prebably aarry on ag before. Ne agreed, however, that we should carry eut limited interin procedures that were comaidered ab- evlutely neceesary and guggested thet I werk out the detaiis with you, De. Macdomaid and be mest desirable medical pergennel radiation effects Dre. Hicking. Mr. MNucker agreed with me that it would to have greater participation of Trust Territory in these araninations of the Rengelap people for and indicated he weuld be pleased to have either Dr. Macdonald os De. Conover participate. In view of the sbowe, if agreeable, I would like te visit you at Rongelap for a few days about the middle of Nevenber te discuss the eituation and arrangements for necesanry interia precedures. Perhaps at that time I could also meet with the aedical pesple and ethers interested to present the latest medical data om the Rengelap people. I am enclosing a copy of @ maencrandun I wrete te Dr. Parr, eur Medical Director, some tine ago in which I ampressed ay opinions on tie need for future medical surveys of the Rengelap people. £ think yeu will agree with ae that we mutually heave « tremendous responsibility with respect te the henith of these people and that if we fall short in our responaibliities, we will be open to criticles frem pesple all over the world. A tremendous number of people ere following the pro- gress of the Rongelapese and too many people in "the ether camp" would he opportunity to nevosrtony Palnl COLLECTION REEI~ BOX No fninetae Ox -/ . 4-6262 criticise the United States. Keone Cour 1182195 “x CENT &