all-Micronesian tier would define authorities and responsibilities of
the United States Government that would be uniform with respect to all
districts or a group of districts acting jointly.

The United States

reaffirmed its -goal that the Trusteeship be terminated by 1981... .
The U. S. proposal involves a negotiation format which would
include both multilateral and bilateral discussions.

Under the U. S&S.

proposal, multilateral negotiations would focus on those aspects of
the relationship with the United States, such as defense, foreign
relations and overall elements of the free association status, common

to all six districts.

The U. $. proposal further envisions bilateral

negotiations between the United States and a district or group of
districts addressing elements of the free association status which
are special or local, such as specific defense matters and, in

substantial part, provisions for U. §S. financial assistance.


district would determine its representatives for the multilateral
negotiations and would also designate negotiators for the bilateral

Either function could be delegated by a district to the

Congress of Micronesia or to its negotiating commission.
The participants agreed that the U. S. proposals would be
carefully reviewed by the Congress of Micronesia during its August 15
Special Session, and by other appropriate entities, with the common

objective of facilitating the resumption of negotiations in early fall
All the parties

ra al

in a manner satisfactory to the peoples of Micronesia.


Select target paragraph3