
Att. C:


Project 1:

Animol Colony

Responsible Agency: National Military Establishment (NMRI)
Objective: To provide an adequate number of micc, dogs and
pigs. Theso onimals would be acclimatized to the total

Their LDsq for 250 KV xernay would be determined

aftor acclimatization,

It is planned to provide 5,000 ~ 10,000

mice of the CF-1 strain; 500 dogs, preforably the Rochester

boagle strain; and 500 pigs of the U. 5. Department of Agricul-

ture "hairless" strain,

Procedure: If approved, oa Noval party will ostablish the colony
ae once to permit approximatcly 18 months of breeding. A
veterinarion, indoctrinated in genetics, will accompany the
party. Now animals will not be introduecd into the colony
later than one year before the expected date of the tests,
Sufficient animals will be bred to provide adequate controls,
A resorvo colony of equal size will be developed at the NMRI,
After the tests, representatives of the
in caso of accidents,
species, and survivors of the tests will be returned to NMRI

for furthor study.
Project 2:

Study of Acute Radiction Injury

Responsible Agency: National Military Establishment
Objective: To cxpose cnough animals in enough positions to
obtain valid statistical data for a study of acute lethality,
vs distance «nd dose; LDs&q vs distance and doscs

and survival

vs distance «nd dose.
Procedure: Mice, dogs and pigs will be placcd in containers
suitably shiclded from heat and blast, These will be placed

in the water end on land at predetermined distances from zero

point; and are to be located so that they may be rotrieved
promptly, Animals will then be observed, sacrificed scrinlly,etc,


Responsible agency: «argonne National Laboratory
To attempt to separate the effects of prompt nuclear
gamme radiation, neutron radiation, and gamma radintion from tho

Procedure: Mice will bo placed in heavily shicldcd containers
with collimating slits directed toward the detonation point,
and toward the estimated location of the fireball, Acute lethality, LDsq and survival will be studied.

Responsible Agency:
National Military Establishment
Objective: To obtain animal tissues aut the carliest possible

time after cxposure, and serially thereaftor,for deotuiled
histologic and hematologic study. There is a lack of information from Japan and Bikini on this carly period.
Procedure: Animals exposed as in 3,2.l.lwill be retrieved at

Some will be sacrificed at onee, others serially at
appropriate intervals thereaftor. The tissucs would be fixed

and preserved for study in the Naval Medical Research Institute,
the Army Mcdienl Center, and the army Institute of Pathology.
Blood studics would be made in the Island Laboratory.
Se 204.8

Responsible agency: Natio. Military Establishment

Objective: To obtain animal tissucs at the carliest possible
time after irradiation, and scrielly thereafter for histochemical studics. Such studics are being performed on tissues
irradinted by conventional means, but none have been done on
tissues exposed to atom bomb radiation.
Procedure: Tissues as obtained in ond will be
quick frozen at ~55°F, and stored and transported in this
condition to the «irmy Medical Center for histochemical study.

Se 264.4

Responsible .igency:

National Military Establishment

Objective: To obtain animal tissues at the earliest possible
time after 2eas sorially thereafter for studies
of tissue enz;
Such studies have been performed

*Refers to

with xeradicttion; none with the intense atom bomb radiation.

Select target paragraph3