a AEN a


500 ¢/n/SSen fixed alpha.

By "fimsd" alpha 16 meant that no change

in the alpha conta~ination level car be observed by swiping a 10Ucn°


(5Sem? 4s tne area of the normal "Pee wee" prese )

200 e/nfS5en* renovatle alpha

The tolerance lovel for pereonnel eentavination will be as follows:


Jars gamii olus seta for cute: clothing and snoes, 1 ar/nr gama

on skin or peracnal clothing. Peracenne® decontamination will bs
perfornad wnern tnefe levels am exc: eder.

Tne tolerance level for eq fenet rencwe?d Yom comtaminated areas will be
as fcliass:

7 ar/hr ganna orly


SU 6 sn/SSem® fixed alpha

Decontaination will be performed in the

field with portable deconteiina’ or ecuipnent orfor t> roturn to the

main detsntx.inaticn stat‘on if tne level exceeds 5,0 o/m/5S5ex°.

In the ever. that reascnadle deconta ‘nation orocedures ¢exinot redu‘e
contavtingtion levels below those jevels listed above, CTU + will issue
eoprojyriate instroctions.

ALL personnal will be issued filmu badces and charge-a-pla+cs on arrival
at FPS
Tne film badge will ve worr at all times. In addition, baiges

will de exchanged after eath entry intc a contaninated ama (exceptions


tnis will be nade ir the cage of contiming access peraits.


Los! bagas anal: pe reportet. immediately to T+. On return
to hon gstavion taqges will pe terre: ‘n eas part of tne EX creck ou
pro’ ef res

TU-6 will proces: fiin badces and subnit dosege records t> Tasx Unt:
Commandere on a cally basie. Tn add tion, scecial reports will be issued
or all personnel reacsning cr exceeding tne 2 9 roentgen omulative doee
Cesare irfor-ation may be ata mea informally at any timo bd:

calling the photo-desimetr, secticr at tne TU-6 Rad-Safe Center
kntry into Conta~inated Areas.
Radex (radiological exclusion) areas are defined aw follous:


Fall Radex Area:

Contenination level of 100 ar/br or higher.


Limited Radey Aroa:


Non Radex Area:

ar /ny.

Contarination level of 10 rfmr but lesa than

Contatination level less tnan 10 m/h.

Entry into a full redex area will req ire full protective clotning.


addition, « qualified monitor must accompany any party envering a full

radex ares. Entry into @ linited radex area will require sucn protective
clotring and monitoring sucporh as FR necessaryDo Wi6 piott.ny

and briefing sectior








Pew Peet eC Vv

Select target paragraph3