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This inforuetion is cevire?

primarily for tne prorecticn of the fire denar Sint in the event of rare.


No contatinated metartal will o¢

approval of CTC Pit.

ranovec fron tae EFS witnou’ the prio:

All rucn nwteriale of equapyent mics are te be msowd til?

be monitored, pachagec, labeled anu loadsd se Ee: to satisfy partineimn. regulations
concerning shipmer: of radicactive materials. uci material toat will travel ty
conrercisl means o, urescorted shipaent on MATS rrust be packécec in iacordance wit,

Interstate Connercu Corniscion regulations. TU+o perscnnel will ass st project ar.
Jel personel in Csternining tie petkazing requirement. .

Vans. Unit Comramders ere vetpoatibie for sremiding CT!.S wit: Lliuis of

qualifies issraitors wovhu. thesr Tack Unanés

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Consanders in quaiifyiny personnel if 30 desires

Select target paragraph3