


Entry of pergonne: into comatingted areas (full and limitec redex: will

roquire accees persits,

Tic aceess permit will signify that all ric-

safo procedures neve bon complied witn. These access peraits will be
dasuec to party nenito s or pavty leuders by the plotting wa briefing
section TUe6 at RaicSate Conver.


Recovery enc constroction orrties will be allorvea to enter contacinated
arens ag desired denindant upon tne current radiotogical eitustion.

Actus) control ci zanly entry on DeSey will be exercised ty the de.)



Tas Cis


Gneck poants for ecntvol ¢e? evry in o contaninated area: will be estar-

Lictes by TOS es togerred.

Norreliv, cheel: paints wild te najntained

a: the Airy Daepetcicr's Offier ang te merinc landing.

Fersonnel cepart-

to tie approprinte cocontow na

to ise Ral Sete Senter te erenenge
tarninctcd area,

to w

ing fer conTOT tec acgas ehowtld have eccees pornits pricr to pass ing
the cucck poh,
. Upon re-orn frou .. com-avirated t-ea, personnel ani
eyndg cit mia So mon torci ot tha c.cek roints. Personcl or equip:
mon. found te De ¢aniccan@lcd aousve he teolerantse 7 “els «01 be directed


ALI pc. sonm] enould proceed

£.1n badger upon return fron a con=


Task Uist Cowsanters cour Gowenge for cowtimaing aceocs paratits ante eor.Canine ed areas Tor rerserau) un tocur Tesx Units.
Tues centinuizeg |
Qtec8 tir Ve Gil. gms tvs alice fretoont entry te arc cxit fren a
Gos Chumsted arcana eotinat Jchiowircg «Ll radiclogiceal cafety regulation:
On @c2" and ever osRim’ @.i ext. 4...
o mpeqgiests for ceonti:cing eccess
Fornit: whiis oe acriscwed by CTU-5_
.'nese pernits may be witidrawm a:
any idc¢, ceperntieng en sae sad.cl.g. at situation. In general continuing;
pe »* onzy until ancther device ig tired or certeln
@cose pernite will bh:>
incuvaucual cumubativi ave totals ere reathed.


Progects will prods tear own menivors fer entry inte ccataninetcd

Ir the even! mesitors carnot be proride2 by the project, eyrangrmente vall oa made tit Ti 4 fey sco ls. of the re q+ tres menttors,
MOM c.2 assugrt lov. andivicuale 2: :souge workdug in sortananated ares+
a> wits comcnranato. enadlcen’ Curl | reeewery crerations wilt act in es

advise:y Caseciiy to boss we recove v party leader inforneca’ radiaticn
dntersitits et ai tuncs. Sime tie art: leadev 13 ragponsibie for the
radiological safecy cf ait zenkerc of nis part: he is exp.ciad to accept
tne menitor'’s afi. 2st act aceordi gly. It is tae rescc.uwaibtlity of
botn tthe leader anc tue raters of te recovery party to adhere to the

limtis estaxlished dir. taece reguliaticn::


Party nonsors, ant eny others doesn scnecessary g1ai)] ve criefed by tha

Tb plotiing and brietang section sclor to receipt of an access permit.


TieS will train nenite:s far ine vorious projects as requinmd.


Wher eetirs cr sioiirc in wry centatinated ares, sensible sanitary

precautias shoud 2: taken.

commen morsere oe meme



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Brey fifth ems > SOPY
pe BN eta Bla ee te
dic ou. Bnivetok Fieiing Grsund, wits

Urilea: “ateviat Will be registred WY oarogest
mtetnia tes cature of .'v, raciomeiivs materia |

Select target paragraph3