


Entry of peraonnel into contaninated areas (full and lim:tec radexr’ will
require access psraits. Tie ascoss permit will signify thet ell rideafe procedures have been compliec with. These access pernits wild be
issvec. te party mon=!
ots or patty leaders by the plettin, ard orief ing
¢aztion TUeS at Red=fare Canter,
Racovery ond constriction parties will be allovea te onter conteninatec
aceae as cusirec depemient upon the currem radiolozsical situation,
Artual contrel of eativ entry on D-Day Kili be exercised by the Jed

Section, Te3x Grouz Pol.

Crech poirts for contesl «2 extsy ino comtaninate: areas will be estat.
Ligiec by TUeS 2 raquirei, Ko~nal *, core’ paints will ts asintained
a. t.c Ai. Inspaccner'’s Cffies and tie metine lending. tersonnel ceper?.

ing fer cencteaindtad 2ceae shoczld have access pornits pricr to passing
the cuech peint:. Upc: mecern far a sont ovinated sca, poreonnel ent

esulprint will te monitored at fie ececk pcin?s,
Personre) ar equip
mon. found te be contarinated avovs the ¢¢lerencs levels will pe ci recie?
to Ue appropriave devontailination g.a.1ea
A personm ] etovle gross
so are Ret-Sate enter to ensaange filn badges uyon retur: fron @ cor

Tre Unit Covaaniers muy erringe Tor cont.nasoe escars poralts inte cortecvindted argas fer rorsonied in te¢_r Tacx Unsis. These. sentinaire
20 88 Baris 26 cefusac a te

sles: freccont cniry to arc exit fc <

Sorcgaiaated are2 witicit Joliowing ali ratseleg:ce: safety regulstior..

er. ec: and every entry amd or. aDresests for eontiruing afeccs

Borat: whi oe aoricved oy CTU+5.

Tnese rercits ma be witharaem a

ey tine, depertiing en “he radloligz a: gitustien.
In general corrinving
@lel peraits wLil be goed only until ancoce: device ia f4ras or certain

MND ACusi cumulacvive aosnss tervals cre reached.

Projects will provid: their am monirers feo entry into ceatatinated

In the evort monitass cancot be RTS (o39 by the project, serrangi-

mimic wall ce mate wits. TU-! far sao:Ty e. tho required menitores,
cuals cr


MOTI CIiS €9S5igne: te ivi

s.out. workdus in vortamanated araes

@ owt: Conveainates e:ufccent. curinm: recccery ceretions will att in a
eacvite:y .asacity to Koop the recovery pact: leader anforned & yatisticn
intensities at ail tinss. Since whe part; leader is responsi
ible for the
raciclugica: safety cf all nesters of nie cart; ne is exp -st3d 29 accept
tre meritor’s acvie: avi act accacdingly. It is tne res; Losability of
both the Isater and the maitors of tie recovery perty to ednere te the
linits estsolisned ir tres: reguiatiorns.

Party sonitors, and ary otuers decme: necccsavy, shal) be oriefed by tas
TU-6 plotting and briefing section prior to raseipt of an assess permit.
TU-6 will train novitora fa tiie varicus projects as requires.



Wher ezting or gioking in ay contan:nated area, sensibie sanitary
precautions snorid be taken.

Oar re ort ee oe



ae readiez:tive material oroug'..

Go ee wVag


ir’o ine Lnivetok Poovong Groant, wits the

el lowes and Sveti noite“Agsaed

Jeriors wath CM:$.

wat) be verist ered oy srsjert

Tnlur.al. on Seoatemming the netum of on. radroas. ive © aterzrat,

Select target paragraph3