



S00 c/m/SSen® fixed alpha.

By "fixed" alpha is meant tnat no change

in the alpha,contanination level can be observed by evining a 100cn~



is the area of the norrcd "Poe Wae" prose.)

¢. - 600 o/m/S5em* removable alpha.

The tolerance level for personnel contarination will be as follows.


?arfnr gama plus beta for outer clothing wid snoes, 1 mrshr gama

on skin or perscnal clothing.

Fersonnel decortanination will be

performed woun these levele are exceecod,

The tolerance leva for equipnent renoved fron ecntainat2: areas witl be
as follows.


7 mrfhr ganns only.


500 ¢/m/5Sen“ fixed alpha

Decontacinstio: will be pirformed in the

fietd with portable decontanina®:or. equipsent prior to rsturn to_tne

main desonta-insticn station if che level exceeds 5.0 -/m/5Sen“.

Inthe event tha. reasonable desontcc.ination pvocedures cannot redu+s

contav~ination Levels below thosc levels Listes above, CTI 4 will iLesue
appropriate instructions.


A? parsonnel will be issued fila beices sm cherge-eeplaces on arrival
at EPS. Tne file. badge will ve worn st all times. Ir, addition, badges

will be exchunges after each entry into a contazinetec arava (exception?

to tiag will be made im the case of comtimu‘ng access persits. See
belew). Lou! batges shoule. be reporied a-redtately to TuU<. On return

to howe steblion cadges will be turno: in as part of tne EN tneck ou.


TUS will proces: fils padges and subutit dosage records t> Task Uni

Cornangere on @ Cailv basis, Jn sd¢d.tion, spo-ial report; will ve issued
om ali personne: reaching or exceeain: tre ¢ 2 roentgen emulative dose
Detare 1:forcation may br ai anec informally at any time br

calling the photc-dosimetry section ut the Tied Rad-Sate Venter.


Entry into Contavinated sreas.


Fasex (radiolorical exclusion) areas are defined ar follouvs:


Fall Radex Ares:

Contsnination tevel of 100 ar/n> or higher.


Lanited Redex Aroa:

Centarination level of 10 =rfMmr but less than

mr ny .


Non Radox Area:

Contatination level less tnan 16 Arr.

Entry into e full redex area will re: .ire full protective cloining. In
eddition, #& qualified monitor aust eccoapany any party enver:ng a ful)

radex area. Entry into a dinited raccx area will requure fuch protective
fietning and monitoring support as 4c aesmed necessary Dr tue pioteng

ant briefing section, TU-€,.



Select target paragraph3