1/219 -SFE

lst Ind
(12 apr 58)
suger: Radiation Dose Limits for Operation HARDTACK (v)
HEADQUARTERS, TASK GROUP 7.1, JTF SEVEN, APO 437, San Francisco, California
3 May 1958.

Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN, APO 437, San Francisco, California

Recommend approval.

2. This matter has been thoroughly discussed with the program directors and
the project personnel. Considering the location of the recovery stations and

the limited time available for recovery prior to the next shots in the same areas,

plus the probable contamination that will result from detonation of the two

devices, it is felt that the increase in the 13 week exposure limit is justified

in order to guarantee recovery of the scientific data by the personnel involved.
There is a strong possibility that the value of the programs will be seriously
-mpaired if the dosage limitation is not raised.
3. Every effort will be made to keep the exposures well under the limit
requested. Radiological safety personnel of this organization will maintain a
close contact with personnel concerned and follow cumulative dosage totals in
detail to assure the safety of the individuals participating.



Commander, TU-6


1 & 2- Addressee <——~gy

3 - CTG 7.1
4 =~ CTU-6

Select target paragraph3